Theres so much lag I cant even play it its so not worth the money
Theres so much lag I cant even play it its so not worth the money
This is a awsome app only thing is you shold of put more horses on lv 5.i love horses and now i love them more because of this app...thanks!!BYE
All the apps you have made are awesome but i would loovveee a deer simulator it would be very fun! And i would buy it!
LOVED IT!! Ive been waiting for this for SO LONG!!! I kinda of wish we could make the herd bigger than it already is :) some of my friends would love horse games such as this one, however more quests would be amazing!
I would love a deer simulator. That would be Awesome please make one I would buy that.
Plz make a zebra simalotor were you life in afteica and have to make you own herd and run away from lion I whould buy that
I love this game so much cuz I always wanted a game like this one. After I played this me Andy friends told so many people about it. One last thing its a little glitchy plz fix plz plz plz <3
This game is sooo fun !!!! :)
Plz make more stuff like missions and maybe bigger map but the one thing i would like is a bigger herd space plz plz
I love this game and I love horses
Horse simulator -there is no farm -herd stays the same color, you cant customize Snow leopard -more pack members Elephant -needs more babies and elephants Lion pride -need more lions and babies Wolf -at least more babies Dolphin -hard to swim and navigate other dolphins Dragon -MY favourite What is needed in all these apps is UPDATES. Make the herds/packs bigger with each level. More babies. Mini games to make it interesting All you do is run around eat and drink an find 2 or maybe 3 new members to add to your pack/herd. After 2 days of non stop playing these games I got bored.... I bought horse, wolf, dolphin,bear, snow leopard, lion, dragon, and elephant. I was obsessed To each game you need to add -missions -rival clans -more babies and space to add more animals -different maps! -choosing the gender of the babies -making names for members of the herd/pack -a feature in some that when the babies grow old enough they leave and sart their own family. You can visit. But this means that you will WANT to make more babies and raise more young. It wont get boring. For the horses: -fight off other stallions from stealin your mares (this is not only real life but really equal out adding members and getting rid of some) Dragons: -rival clans that attack you -when you defeat the dragon king more than 20x you become the dragon king. Rule the dragons -more maps -ice, fire, earth and water dragons Snow leopards -mates need to listen better. They always wander Bears -rival clans -more cubs that grow and go off on their own.
I love this game but I would Love more things to do in the game!!!!
I love the app all in all because I love horses!! But I think somethings you could add would be: -bigger map -more quests -a story line -bigger herd -maybe add humans( so that they can try to capture you) -add other herds of horses( so that you can steal the others horses mares) -more food -different terrain/seasons
I would love to give this more stars, because the idea of the game is awesome and to be honest quite addicting. But I do have a few complaints...the map doesnt get any bigger, I cant find the farms and whenever I find new herd members they end up being clones of each other when they were different individuals before. For the amount of problems this game has it shouldve been free.
Love this game but do need some other things to do!
Awesome but cant find the horses 5 stars if u could
I payed 4 this to lagie to even play looks like a great game fix this if ya want 5 stars
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Best game ever!!!! And tell people to stop complaining
I have read some review people say its amazing I would love to make a review like that but first can you please up date it so it doesnt kick me off and doesnt glitch when I do get on please.